Tim Scanlon (
Mon, 10 Apr 95 04:29:05 -0400

Bugtraq is a list whose mission is to discuss and provide specific
information and full disclosure about security weaknesses. Not
neccesarily solutions, but they're damned nice to have and most
people want the good with the bad. - You both know this.

It is not a favored forum to randomly flame critical comparisons of
diffrent products.
alt.flame, or alt.flame.satan.spaz.spaz.spaz is for doing that.

It is not a place to advertise commecial services or products. is for that.

It is not firewalls either. I got off firewalls because there was
so much more noise than substance that it became a waste of time
to sort through. I really don't want to see cross-pollination,
especially when it's the sort of flaming that got me off
firewalls in the first place. On there, people flamed for
getting full disclosure information in crossposts. This is
a flame from the other side of the fence for NOT getting
full disclosure information. - Don't crosspost. I am SURE
that both Chris and you know not to do this. Poor form.

I'm like alot of other people, I have more than enough sitting
in my mailbox to deal with as it is. I do NOT need, nor really
want off-purpose or otherwise witless mail. It makes all that
much harder to sort through, and increases the risk I may miss
something that I would rather not. Considering the topic is
systems security related, and that I have a professional intrest
in reducing risks related to security, I would like to see
that risk minimized as much as possible.

Tim Scanlon

________________________________________________________________ (NeXTmail, MIME)  Tim Scanlon
George Mason University     (PGP key avail.)  Public Affairs
I speak for myself, but often claim demonic posession